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  • Chung, H.-S., Chu, S-Y.*, Lin, W.-C., & Kung, S.-H. (2024). Improving digital storybook story comprehension in kindergartners with developmental delays using peer-assisted learning strategies. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 40(3), 315-336.【SSCI】

  • Kuo, N.-W., Chu, S.-Y. *, & Jhuo, R.-A. (2024, June). Views of female juveniles in residential placement on their resilience in education within residential institutions. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 41(3), 295-322. DOI: 10.1080/0886571X.2023.2266371【SSCI IF:1.2, Rank:Q2】

  • Chu, S.-Y., & Jhuo, R.-A. (2024). Parent-professional partnership in promoting school readiness skills for children with disabilities entering first grade. Early Years, 44(1), 206-223. 【SSCI】

  • 林婉琛、朱思穎*(2023)。學前融合教育之跨專業團隊合作實務探討。特殊教育季刊,168,13-24。(通訊作者)

  • Wang, L.-C.*, Liu, D., Yum, Y. N., Chung, K. K.-H., Chu, S.-Y., Tai, P. L. A., Xu, Z., Kuo, H-C., & Chang, C.-C., (2023).The relationship between auditory temporal processing, phonological processing, and reading in Hong Kongese and Taiwanese children: From kindergarten to primary school., Journal for the Study of Education and Development, vol. 46 (SSCI; Q4), pp. 592-624

  • Chu, S.-Y.*, & Jhuo, R.-A. (in press).(2022). Family support: Implementing embedded learning opportunities within family routines. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 【SSCI, Rank:Q2】

  • 王文潔、卓容安、朱思穎*(2022)。核心反應訓練融入輔助溝通系統提升無口語特殊幼兒溝通能力之成效。特教論壇,32,1-19。(通訊作者)

  • 莊淯茵、朱思穎、孔淑萱*(2022)。對話式閱讀教學對提升融合班級中發展遲緩幼兒語言能力成效之研究。教育學報,50 (1),109-132。 【TSSCI】

  • 李品諭、朱思穎*(2022)。特殊需求幼兒同儕關係研究之文獻回顧。身心障礙研究季刊。

  • Chu, S.-Y. (2022). Culturally responsive teaching efficacy in inclusive education at Taiwanese preschools. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 50(1), 97-114.

  • Jhuo, R.A. & Chu, S.Y. * (2022). A review of parent-implemented Early Start Denver Model for children with autism spectrum disorder. Children, 9, 285. 【SSCI】科技部補助專題研究: 【110-2627-M-008-002】

  • 莊淯茵、朱思穎、孔淑萱*(2022)。對話式閱讀對提升發展幼兒語言能力成效之研究。教育學報,50(1),109-132。【TSSCI】

  • 王文潔、卓容安、朱思穎*(2022)。核心反應訓練融入輔助溝通系統提升無口語特殊幼兒溝通能力之成效。特教論壇。

  • 彭歆庭、朱思穎*(2022)。丹佛早療模式語言成效探討之文獻回顧。特殊教育發展期刊,72,51-66。

  • 鄭茹謙、朱思穎*(2021)。臺灣以家庭為中心早期療育服務之文獻回顧。身心障礙研究季刊,19(3-4),199-210。

  • 賴禹霖、朱思穎*(2021)。特殊需求幼兒家長親職壓力及效能感之實務分享。特殊教育季刊,161,33-40。

  • 趙婉玲、朱思穎*(2021)。學前融合教師親師合作之實務探討。台東特教,54,32-36。

  • 林婉琛、朱思穎*(2021)。學前融合課程調整之教學實務探討。特殊教育季刊,160,43-52。

  • 卓容安、朱思穎*(2021)。遊戲與家庭本位正向行為支持增進發展遲緩幼兒社交技巧與社會互動能力之成效。幼兒教育年刊,32,1-27。

  • Chu. S.-Y. & Garcia, B. (2021). Collective teacher efficacy and culturally responsive teaching efficacy of in-service special education teachers in the United States. Urban Education, 56(9), 1520-1546.【SSCI】

  • 陳力綺、朱思穎*(2021)。融合情境聽障幼兒社交困境及因應策略之實務分享。特教園丁,36(3),31-38。

  • Chu, S.-Y. (in press). Culturally responsive teaching efficacy in inclusive education at Taiwanese preschools. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 【SSCI】科技部補助專題研究:【106-2410-H-007-043】

  • 鐘惠萱、朱思穎*(2020)。罕見疾病—卓飛症候群之初探與實務分享。台東特教,52,11-15。

  • 林綉敏、朱思穎*(2020)。國小學童同儕接納與體驗學習方案應用之實務探討。特教園丁,36(2),53-60。

  • 邱鈺宸、朱思穎*(2020)。學前反應性依附障礙症個案探討。桃竹區特殊教育,36,1-8。

  • Chu, S.-Y. (in press). Practicing family-centred positive behaviour support for preservice special education teachers: Early intervention professional training in Taiwan. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2020.1840531【SSCI】科技部補助專題研究:【104-2410-H-143-005】

  • 卓容安、朱思穎*(2020)。替代性溝通介入提升多重障礙幼兒溝通能力成效之研究。身心障礙研究季刊,18(3-4),140-158。

  • Wang, L.-C., Liu, D., Chung, K. K.-H., & Chu, S.-Y. (in press). Auditory temporal Processing and knowledge of the phonological coding system in learning to read Chinese. Learning and Individual Differences. 【SSCI】

  • 顏侑萱、朱思穎*(2020)。核心反應訓練增進發展遲緩幼兒社會性溝通能力之成效研究。東臺灣特殊教育學報,22,67-94。

  • 蔡亞娟、朱思穎*(2020)。單一嘗試教學法提升重度腦性麻痺學生詞彙能力應用之教學實務分享。特教園丁,35(4),67-74。

  • 朱思穎、陳美惠(2020)。專業支援系統服務大腦視皮質損傷幼兒實務分享。台東特教,51,1-5。

  • 郭乃維、朱思穎(2019)。結構化教學策略對輕度智能障礙學生技能檢定學科學習之探討。台東特教,49,1-6。

  • 朱思穎*、莊雅筑(2019)。家庭與遊戲本位正向行為支持提升特殊幼兒情緒管理能力之研究。身心障礙研究季刊,17(1),1-18。【科技部補助大專生文號:106-2813-C-007-047-H】

  • 吳欣如、朱思穎* (2018)。請聽我說話-輔助溝通系統之應用。桃竹區特殊教育,32,13-19。

  • 蘇怡宸、朱思穎(2018)。國小學童攻擊行為與社交技巧訓練課程分析探討。台東特教,48,7-13。

  • Chu, S.-Y.* (2018). Perspectives from Taiwanese families: A preliminary study of promoting self-determination skills of young children with disabilities. Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(6), 673-681. 【SSCI】

  • 朱思穎* (2018)。職前幼兒園教師家庭本位正向行為支持專業成長培訓之研究。臺東大學教育學報,29(1),31-65。【TSSCI】

  • 張季筠、朱思穎*(2018). 火爆小子-正向行為支持融入社會技巧課程之實務分享。特教園丁,33(4),13-19。

  • Chu, S.-Y.* (2018). Perspectives from both sides of the parent-professional partnership: A preliminary study on Taiwan’s early childhood special education services. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 65(4), 355-372.  【SSCI】

  • Chu, S.-Y.* (2018). Family voices: Promoting foundation skills of self-determination for young children with disabilities in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 19(1), 91-101. 【SSCI】

  • Haines, S.J., Summers, J.A., Palmer, S.B., Stroup-Rentier, V.L., & Chu, S.-Y. (2017).  Immigrant families’ perceptions of fostering their preschoolers’ foundational skills for self-determination. Inclusion, 5(4). 293-305. 

  • 葉琛^、朱思穎*(2017)。臺北市學前教育教師對身心障礙幼兒教學效能感看法之研究。臺北市立大學學報,48(1),49-72。

  • 朱思穎*、朱晴瑀^ (2017,)。探討特教教師對特殊幼兒入小一自我決策與學校生活適應之觀點。教育與多元文化研究,15,1-45。

  • 陳怡均^、朱思穎*( 2016)。 一般幼兒對特殊需求同儕接納度之研究。特殊教育季刊,141,11-20。

  • 顏侑萱^、朱思穎* ( 2016)。核心反應訓練對發展遲緩幼兒溝通能力之介入成效。特殊教育發展期刊,62,39-54。

  • 吳易蓁^、朱思穎(2016)。營造友善學習環境:身心障礙生評量調整之觀點看法。台東特教,44,1-5。

  • Chu, S.-Y. (2016). Developing a scale to investigate in-service special education teacher efficacy for serving students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 5(1), 39-51. 

  • Chu, S.-Y., & Lo, Y.-L. (2016). Taiwanese families' perspectives on learning disabilities: An exploratory study in three middle schools. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 16(2), 77-88. 

  • 朱思穎(2016)。 功能性溝通訓練提升低功能自閉症幼兒自發性社會溝通之個案研究。身心障礙研究,14(1),55-74。

  • Chu, S.-Y. (2016). Family-centred applied behaviour analysis verbal behaviour intervention for young Taiwanese children with disabilities. International Journal of Early Years Education, 24(1), 80-96. 

  • Chen, S.-L., Tzeng, S.-J., Chu, S.-Y.*, & Chen, H.-Y. (2016). The impacts of remedial interventions on learning Chinese for low-achieving first graders. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25(1), 45-55. 【SSCI】

  • 陳怡均^、朱思穎* (2015)。 一般幼兒對特殊需求同儕接納度之情境式圖片問卷量表編製之研究。兒童與教育研究,10,123-159。

  • 朱晴瑀^、朱思穎* (2015)。特教教師對特殊幼兒入小一自我決策與學校生活適應看法問卷量表編製之研究。身心障礙研究,13(3),170-187。

  • 朱思穎(2015)。家長對特殊需求幼兒自我決策能力之看法:從作息本位談起。幼兒保育學刊,12,1-15。

  • Chu, S.-Y. (2015). An investigation of the effectiveness of family-centred positive behaviour support of young children with disabilities. International Journal of Early Years Education, 23(2), 172-191.

  • Chu, S.-Y., & Baker, S. (2015).  The effects of video self-modeling on high school students with emotional and behavioral disturbances. Preventing School Failure, 59(4), 207-216. 

  • Chen, S.-L., Tzeng, S.-J., & Chu, S.-Y. * (2015). Evaluating effectiveness of two types of Chinese remedial materials for low-achieving and disadvantaged second-graders. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 24(1), 111-123. 【SSCI】

  • 朱思穎(2014)。核心反應訓練促進多重障礙幼兒語言能力學習成效: 單一受試實驗設計研究。身心障礙研究,12(4),233-250。

  • 陳怡華^、朱思穎*(2014)。新北市學前融合班教師集體效能感及其相關因素之研究。幼兒教育年刊,25,113-139。

  • Chu, S.-Y., & Garcia, S. (2014). Culturally responsive teaching efficacy beliefs of in- service special education teachers. Remedial and Special Education, 35, 218-232. 【SSCI】

  • Chu, S.-Y. (2014). Perspectives of teachers and parents of Chinese-American students with disabilities about their home-school communication. Preventing School Failure, 58(4), 237-248.

  • 陳宛渝^、朱思穎* (2013) 。幼兒園及小一家長對特殊需求幼兒入國小準備能力觀點之探究。身心障礙研究季刊,11(4),233-248。

  • 連羽鈞^、朱思穎* (2013) 。 國小集中式特教班教師對小一新生學校適應能力之觀點探究。特教論壇,15,49-63。

  • 楊平如^、朱思穎*(2013)。角色扮演課程介入以增進自閉症幼兒社會互動能力之成效。幼兒教育年刊,24,109-127。

  • Palmer, S., Brotherson, M.J., Erwin, E. J., Maude, S.P., Stroup-Rentier, V., Wu, H-Y., Peck, N. F., Zheng, Y., Weigel, C., Chu, S.-Y., McGrath, G., & Haines, S. (2013). Building a foundation for self-determination in early childhood: An inclusive model for children with disabilities. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 33(1), 38-47. 【SSCI】

  • Chu, S.-Y. (2013). Teacher efficacy beliefs toward serving culturally and linguistically diverse students in special education: Implications of a pilot study. Education and Urban Society, 45(3), 385-410. 【SSCI】

  • 朱思穎(2012)。 家庭本位之正向行為支持方案對自閉症幼童拒食行為之介入成效。特殊教育學報,36,37-60。【TSSCI】

  • 陳韻珍^、朱思穎*(2012)。醫療專業人員對特殊需求幼兒入小學普通班準備能力看法之初探性研究。幼兒教育年刊,23,69-89。

  • Wu, H-Y., & Chu, S.-Y. (2012). Self-determination of young children with special needs from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Preventing School Failure, 56(3), 149-156.

  • Chu, S.-Y., & Wu, H.-Y. (2012). Development of effective school-family partnership for students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: From special education teacher and Chinese-American parents’ perspectives. Scholarlypartnershipsedu, 6(1), 25-37.

  • Chu, S.-Y. (2011). Perspectives in understanding the schooling and achievement of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 38(3), 201-209. 

  • 朱思穎、吳香儀(2011)。成功轉銜之推手:培訓特殊需求幼兒自我決策能力之理論及實務探討。國小特殊教育,52,25-37。

  • Chu, S.-Y., & Flores, S. (2011). Assessment of English language learners with learning disabilities. The Clearing House, 84(6), 244-248.

  • Chu, S.-Y. (2011). Teacher perceptions of their efficacy for special education referral of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Education, 132(1), 3-14. 

  • Chu, S.-Y., & Flores, S. (2011). Preventing disproportionate representation of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds as having a language impairment. International Journal of Language, Society, and Culture, 32, 17-27. 

  • 朱思穎、Baker, S. (2011)。 探討「非立即性增強」以及「打斷行為反應和重新引導」兩種策略對自閉症幼童的語言固著行為之成效。特殊教育研究學刊,36(1),109-127。【TSSCI】

  • 朱思穎、吳香儀(2011)。 自閉症學生轉銜服務其自我決策能力之培訓:以美國高等教育做探討。特教園丁,26,17-24。

  • Chu, S.-Y. (2009). Implementation of supportive school programs for Immigrant students in the United States. Preventing School Failure, 53(2), 67-72. 

  • Note: This paper is also reprinted by School Information and Research Service(SIRS)  ,Leadership Information, 8(3), 2009, 36-42.  



  • Chu, S.-Y., & Wu, H.-P. (2010). Understanding literacy practices in culturally and linguistically diverse children’s homes. New Horizons for Learning. 12. Available on

  • Chu, S.-Y., & Flores, S.(2010). Dynamic assessment: An alternative approach for assessing diverse learners. Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, 5(2), 1-17. 

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